Jew's Harp Festival 2022
About the Music Weekend 2024 in Gjøvik
The program this year:
Friday: We are at the house (Tingbygningen) from 5 pm, and the concert start is at 8 pm. The concert is called «Playing together at the premices of the langeleik» with Marit Steinsrud, Ingebjørg Hegge Bratrud (langeleik), Bendik Smedåsgjelten Qvam and Stein Villa on other instruments.
Saturday and Sunday: Courses at 10 am to 4 pm on Eiktunet.:
- Forging munnharpe with Sven Håkon Jørgensen, Ole Bjørn Skoe and Stein Terje Mathisen.
- Playing munnharpe, teacher from Norsk munnharpeforum.
- Playing langeleik, beginners course with Ingebjørg Hegge Bratrud.
- Playing langeleik in the Hasvoldseter tradi􀆟on with Marit Steinsrud.
- Making willow flute and lur from bark with Bendik Smedåsgjelten Qvam and Stein Villa.
Saturday evening at 7 pm: Musikal party at Tingbygningen.
Prices: Concert: NOK 200, Course: NOK 700, Lunch 2 days: NOK 300.
Total: NOK 1.200
Accomodation: Contact Gjøvik Vandrerhjem Hovdetun, different possibiliô€†Ÿes from single rooms to cabins and appartements. post@hovdetun.no
Registration to stein.villa@mjosmuseet.no before May 10th.